Sunday, June 17, 2012

Tweets and Retweets

Twitter Finally Ditches “50+”, New and Old Tweets Now Show Exact Counts Of Retweets and Favorites

Now the Tweets can show the past, present, and future with their exact number of retweets and favorites in place of showing 50+ if they pass that count a move that could promote self-importance and competition on Twitter. Since the change is applied retroactively, you can see a tweet about stopping polio from Bill Gates. last year he got 1,178 retweets and 119 favorites. The change could remove the need for some wildly popular accounts to use third-party measurement tools, but mostly it will just let the average person see when they or someone else has a true moment of brilliance. Some person got it as the fun. However, the exact counts could make people feel like they have no influence when they see they’ve received two retweets while someone else got twenty thousand.

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