Thursday, June 14, 2012

Latest Mobile

Carnegie Mellon University scientist and Microsoft  researchers created a new type of sensor mobile, designed for projecting on body parts, mainly on hands.
The Skinput technology (Skinput turns your hand into a touchscreen and your fingers into a keypad) uses small projectors (pico projector is given the name of this product) for projecting the sensor new mobile interface elements on the hand, and sound  indicators for following the pressings on the projected image.
When touched the body generates ultra low frequency sounds. Researchers concluded that certain parts of the human body generates different sounds. Elbow area is located as the sensor, processes the sound and establishes the location of the touch. New mobile interface have been successfully tested the system by 20 voluntaries.
Researchers say that Skinput works during a series of fast moves, and even quick hand motions. It is expected that Skinput will be connected with the mobile device via Bluetooth or by means of other wireless connection.
The pico projectors are considered to be the new mobile technology. According to the Cisco forecast released in February 2010, by the year 2014 pico projectors phones  will be using by 300 times more traffic than usual phones do. Around 4 bytes of data will be sent via pico projector phones per year.

Apple iPhone fifth generation will be making its way to stores soon. Sources say in august the apple iphone fifth generation will be sold to the public and even in foreign market. Apple company keeps coming up with the top selling, latest technology.

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