Friday, December 21, 2012

iPad Mini

According to the market analysis and the dominate by other company iPad Mini 'Apple is clearly going to continue to dominate'. But Apple unveils its 7.9-inch iPad Mini, M. Reardon from technology website CNET says that Apple will continue to be popular with consumers becuase"people like the iPad". Apple took the wraps off an 7.9-inch tablet in its biggest product move since the debut of the iPad two years ago, launching a smaller version of the gadget into a market staked out by Amazon and Google. 

The iPad mini marks Apple's first foray into the smaller-tablet segment. Apple hopes to beat back a charge onto its home turf of consumer electronics hardware, while safeguarding its lead in a larger tablet space that even deep-pocketed rivals like Samsung Electronics have found tough to penetrate.
The iPad mini will start at £269 for a version with Wifi connectivity only and 16GB of storage, compared to £210 for Google's similarly-equipped Nexus 7 or £159 Amazon’s matching Kindle Fire HD.
Apple said the iPad Mini weighs only 0.68 pounds, compared to 1.46 pounds for the full-sized iPad, and is only 7.2 millimetres thick, versus 9.4 millimetres.

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